The Backstory: Two large and outdated industrial factories, situated in Melbournes West, needed to undergo a renovation in order to raise the standards in line with modern-day expectations.
The Task: LED lighting was an ideal recommendation, not only due to its ability to provide a better quality of lighting across the premises, but also due to its incredible life expectancy and the reduced energy consumption capabilities. The exit and emergency lighting were also a key requirement.
Aside from this, there was a more pressing need to ensure that the electrics were safe and that they fully adhered to the required safety standards. This meant the offices, the lunchroom, and the bathrooms underwent extensive work, with the installation of new wiring, power points, and air conditioning units. The switchboard also underwent an upgrade with the addition of new safety switches; not only did this ensure it met with the current workplace regulations, but it also helped to provide a much safer working environment.
The Approach: Proving a durable yet highly functional solution was imperative. As with all modern-day projects, energy-efficiency was also high on the agenda, along with the ongoing energy consumption and efficiency of the lighting, the wiring, and the air conditioning units. All the current safety standards were fully met, and specific adaptations were made to enhance the overall flexibility of the working space.
The Result: A highly-efficient lighting solution throughout the building that offers a better lighting solution, at a far lower ongoing cost to the business. Safety standards were increased, and all electrics are now fully compliant with the current standards and regulations. Due to some of the changes made with the electrics, this also provided the factory with a more flexible workspace, giving them room to adapt and grow in the future.